Sandi Sharkey

Sandi lives and teaches in North London and is one of the original founders of Yogamatters. She combines the practices of yoga, mindfulnness and relaxation to promote deeper self-connection. Her classes balance fluid and dynamic sequences with somatic/yin postures and breathing techniques, to encourage greater well-being. Alignment is emphasised to prevent injury and promote ease.

‍Sandi has been teaching for over 30 years and holds certificates in Insight Yoga; Iyengar Yoga; Birthlight Diploma's in Well Woman, Pre and Postnatal Yoga; Baby Yoga & Massage; and an ITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage Therapy. She runs Teacher Trainings & Retreats, as well as Mentors students.

Sandi places value on Compassion, Kindness and Gratitude. These qualities connect us to love and care; nurture and shelter for ourselves, each other and the world around us. Practice is an opportunity to cultivate these ancient qualities and feel how they liberate us to live more skilfully. ractice is liberating and nourishing to our bodies, hearts and minds.

Mother & Baby

Babies love socialising and seeing other babies and mums. They enjoy being in a relaxed space where their mother is really present with them and not distracted. Through positive touch, massage, movement, songs and rhymes, babies develop delight in their bodies and pleasure from being cherished and enjoyed. In these sessions, babies learn about being with others in a relaxed and calm way.


Candlelit Yin Yoga

Stillness is a great teacher. Slowing things down. In a yin practice, there is the invitation to turn inward; to develop a rich inner life. In stillness we can observe the breath or focus on breathing practices, developing more capacity to stay and observe. 


Slow Flow 1

These sessions weave Yoga and Mindfulness together, through nurturing practices designed to stabilise, stretch and promote relaxation. Experience more pockets of presence and integration.


Pregnancy Yoga

Although pregnancy is brief, yoga gives us a good space to savour the experience and capacitates us to adjust to present challenges as well as ongoing growth and change.